Friday, October 3, 2008

The right brain wins!

As of this week, I have left the world of tax and accounting behind and plunged full time into my retail needlework shop and cross stitch design. I always imagined that when I started my own business, it would be a tax practice. As I continued to pursue my needlework hobby, I found out that not only do I have a right side to my brain, but it actually functions! It seems the more I use the right side, the more I lose the left side. For example, my formerly neat and organized work space is a disaster and one month I forgot to reconcile my checkbook. My old self would be shuddering at the very thought!

I found a test from the Art Institutes that measures right brain vs. left brain and discovered that I'm 56% right, 44% left. The explainations of the results were very interesting and very true. You can take the test for yourself at

You might be surprised by the results!

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