Sunday, May 17, 2009

Breast Cancer Ribbon

Yesterday I finished this peyote stitch pin. I wish I could get a better picture because the pinks are prettier in real life, but you can get the idea. It's from Threaded Needle Designs and was a quick, fun stitch.


Gina E. said...

Hi Sherri,
I'm not familiar with the terms peyote stitch pin. I can see that this is made of beads though - very pretty.
How are the Finch Family - have they settled into their new environment happily?
And have you found a good needlecraft store nearby?

Faye said...

I wish I could get with you guys in a couple weekends but dont have a 29yr anniversary too often! SO, will stick with my husbands girls have fun and I will be with you in spirit! PS-love this little peyote stitch pin.Cute! Faye