Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fabulous French Stitching Exhibition

French stitchers are absolutely amazing! I love looking at their work. The designs are wonderful and their finishing is beautiful. Veronique, who lives near Paris has posted some videos and pictures from an exhibition that I could look at over and over! I've copied one of the videos here just to pique your interest. Please visit Veronique's blog to view them all. Make sure you go to the next page, too, because there is more!

Thanks, Veronique!

Hey Katie, when we go to Paris to the flea market can we go to some stitching shops too? Pretty please?

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

I've never been to France, but I'm a great admirer of most things French, chiefly their food, their fashion sense and their stitching!