Last friday Bob and I were on our way to dinner at Colter's BBQ when I noticed all these birds lined up along the roof at this strip center. I thought it was so cool!
Just when I snapped the picture, they all flew off directly over my head and landed on the utility lines. Good thing I haven't watched Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" lately, or I might have fainted dead on the spot!
Last month we rode with the Longhorn Harley Owner's Group to the Texas Hill Country. It was an amazing ride! I only thought I had been to the hill country before. Of course, I forgot my camera and didn't remember until the last day that I could take pictures with my cell phone. Here is our Road King parked in front of the cute little cottage we stayed in.
Notice the big bush next to the cottage with the red berries? I'm not sure what it is, but I thought the berries were so beautiful I had to have a close up.
Next to the berry bush was an interesting "ferris wheel" made from a bicycle wheel and some plastic electrical outlet boxes. For those of you who don't know about my father "The Bike Man", suffice it to say that anything made with bicycle parts attracts me right away.
The center of the ferris wheel is decorated with a cut out wooden flower. If we had one of these in our yard when I was a little girl, I would have played amusement park with my troll dolls and given them a ride!
This is a chicken pin cushion that sits on the table in Sandy's X-Stitch To Go shop in Hendersonville, NC. If any of my readers know where I can get the pattern to make one of my own, please let me know. I love how the wings are scissors holders.
You do some interesting stuff, Sherri! I had to laugh at your photo with all the birds - I also thought of Alfred Hitchcock straight away!
Love your Harley - Ken has a Suzuki and a Honda, both 750cc, but if ever we win a lottery, I think one of the first things he would buy is a Harley. They are SOOOO expensive here.
I am reading your older posts and noticed the picture with the red berries - that's pyracantha. The berries can be red or a dark orange. My parents use to have a yard full of them!
Best wishes....
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