Monday, January 12, 2009

Stitching is the Berries!

"Stitching is the Berries" is the theme for the first Berri Patch retreat coming up in February. I am sooooooo excited! I'm looking for a venue for a "getaway" retreat but in the meantime, I decided to host a stitching weekend here in Hartsville. Since there are some stitchers coming from out of town and we still have room for more, I was asked to post the information here on the blog. Use the link below to download a pdf brochure with all the details. We have a group rate with a local hotel and I'm working on a design for an exclusive project to commemorate the weekend. Along with catered lunches and a few surprises, it should be a great time!

While I'm here posting, I'll prove that I actually have been stitching some. Here is my progress on Lauren's Voice by La-D-Da:

I also started "The Wedding" from My Big Toe Designs. I'm changing up the center section, but here's how I'm coming on the border. I'm stitching it with one strand GAST Blackboard over 2 on 40 count linen. This is my first project on 40 count linen and I'm loving it!

I have been taking a bit of a break from stitching which usually means I'll pick up some knitting. Now, you have to understand about me and knitting. Knitting is the activity that I resort to when I need something completely mindless. So that means I only knit extremely simple projects. If I want to think or count I'd rather be doing something else. All that to say, look at the nice simple slippers I made!

After finishing my slippers, I got started on a washcloth kick. I've been digging around on the net finding various free dishcloth patterns and adapting them so I have a mix of patterned washclothes about the same size. I think these will make great presents with some bath salts and homemade soap. Then I'll use the leftover yarn to make up some dishclothes to use in my kitchen.

Feels good to be back to blogging again. I've enjoyed catching up with the great stitching blogs I read. Everyone's doing such wonderful work I may have to change out the knitting needles for the tapestry needles again. Happy stitching!


Patricia Lessell said...

I love your slippers and the LaDDa design that you are stitching. I hope your retreat goes really well and I shall be there in spirit. Love Patti xxx

Patti said...

Sherri, Lovely slippers! Is the pattern online? I too only knit simple mindless objects, I did many scarves and have moved on to dishclothes and buttoned & felted coin purses - perfect for gift cards (and any mistakes are hidden in the felting!) I thought that slippers would be too hard for me, but maybe not??
Blessings, Patti

Mommy said...

Your Grandmother had a spree of making dishcloths. She gave me one with the directions attached in her own handwriting. I've been waiting to give it to someone who knits, not thinking you might be interested. I attached a picture to an email.