Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Stitched Gift

My friend Faye stitched this Little House piece and gave it to me rolled up and tied with a nice ribbon. She does such beautiful work and I LOVE the design. I think I'll finish it into a pinkeep. Thanks, Faye!!

Harry and Smyrna decided to start nesting again. I loaded up the cage with snippets, twigs, paper towels, etc. and they built a beautiful nest that is much nicer than the last one. By Sunday, they had 5 eggs! We're keeping our fingers crossed that this time they have better luck.


Paulette said...

Hi Sherri!

What a lovely gift! Btw, I just looked at your shop photos, and I so wish we had a nice shop like that here in Omaha.


Gina E. said...

Ken just brought in a baby finch for me to inspect. It is the first one out of the five, to fly out of the nest. Ken took a photo of it in my hand, but with his camera, so I can't show you! But if you go to my blog (Patra's Other Place), and scroll back a way, there are some photos somewhere of baby finches.
Good luck with yours - I'm sure they'll be fine! They are very hardy little critters.

Gina E. said...

By the way, I forgot to ask - what are you feeding your Zebra finches?

Gina E. said...

Hi Sherri,
Thanks for leaving comments on my blog and bringing me up to date with your zebra finches. Ken is keen to know how you are going with them. He wants to know if you keep them inside all the time, or do you have them outside? He said they need sunshine and fresh air as much as possible. Hardboiled egg is very good; try combining that with plain biscuit (cookie?) crumbs. Seeded grass is very good too, if you have any in your yard.
Oh our kookaburras are just darling! I've just posted another photo on my blog, of them all lined up on our clothesline.