Saturday, April 25, 2009

Yes, I'm busy, but I'm not missing spring!

Our house is spruced up and on the market. Berri Patch has been packed up and moved into storage since I didn't get a buyer. The Hartsville Civic Chorale spring concert of Gershwin music is tonight. We rehearsed with the orchestra this afternoon and I'm taking a bit of a break before the performance. Bob and I are doing a short duet of "Let's Call The Whole Thing Off" which is really fun. We fly off to Texas tomorrow to start a 10 day house hunting trip. It's been hard to remember to "stop and smell the flowers" with so much going on, but spring is my favorite time of year so I can't let it fly by without some more pictures of the flowers around our house.

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

Hey Sherri, you shouldn't have any trouble selling your house with a garden like that! But in view of the economic climate over there right now, I wish you both all the best luck in the world. And good luck in your house hunting in Texas!
I've been admiring your stitching album - how did you get that on your blog? I had one like it, but it seems to have disappeared, so I'll have to get another one.