Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hannah's Flower Basket - Freebie

For those of you anxiously awaiting the Hannah Mary Manley 1864 reproduction sampler chart, let me tell you, closing my shop and moving and setting up housekeeping in a new town has slowed the process down quite a bit! I finally took some time this week to work on it and I'm very close to having the chart completed. (This is the antique sampler that was on display at Berri Patch.)

In the meantime, I pulled a motif from Hanah's sampler and made it up as a pyn pillow. I used 30ct Mocha linen from Weeks Dye Works and DMC floss, filled it with sawdust and added a blanket stitched edging with brown #8 perle cotton. I really enjoyed this project, and decided to offer the pattern here as a freebie.

Note added 10/9/09: Okay, I'm embarrassed! Apparently you have to be logged in to your google account to print or save this freebie. If you don't have a google account, sorry! The file storage site I use is no longer available so I thought I'd try Google Docs. I'm on my out the door for a weekend trip, I'll figure something out when I get back.

Click here to download a pdf copy of Hannah's Flower Basket. If you stitch it up, I'd love to see a photo of what you've done and would love to post it here on my blog. My email address is in my profile.

Just a side note, the background fabric for the photo is an apron made by my Grandma Shingleton from a feed sack. More on feedsacks will be coming up in another post.


Tanya Marie said...

Very sweet!

DebbieSFL said...

Sherri, I am not able to print or save the pattern...

Deb said...

Very pretty! Thank you.

Faye said...

Just looking back over some older posts and I missed this cute freebie...If I can print it I will make it and email you my photo...Thanks for sharing!~ Faye

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

I printed out freebie and will start it tomorrow. I like this. Thanks !!

Nancy said...

Thank you for this lovely freebie! I look forward to seeing a photo of the sampler.

Irma said...

Thank you for the freebie! I have an account, but printer wouldn't print it. So, I just right clicked and copied the doc. Pasted it to a Word new document and it printed right up.

doris said...

This is my first visit to your blog, so thanks so much for the lovely little chart.

I love your straight hair, just as I love my own, which takes some time to do. When I go to humid climates, nothing will keep it straight, so I just let it go super curly. At this point, I feel lucky just to have loads of hair!

Siobhán said...

Thanks! That is adorable!!

Solstitches said...

Thank you so much - this is very pretty!
